secure jobs

美 [sɪˈkjʊr ˈdʒɑːbz]英 [sɪˈkjʊə(r) ˈdʒɒbz]
  • 稳定的工作
secure jobssecure jobs
  1. In Consequence , many bright young people have given up their secure jobs to join in the race .


  2. Sixth , secure jobs are no longer sought after , but those requiring energy and drive are preferred .


  3. Compared to urban laborers and vagrant , working class has secure jobs and regular incomes .


  4. The students who are finding it hardest to secure jobs are those who want to change sectors , she says .


  5. We need to decide , do we want to secure jobs or do we want a so-called fair burden sharing ?


  6. Working folks are looking for the kind of stable , secure jobs that went overseas in the past couple decades .


  7. After Greece achieved independence , the under-developed economy meant that the public sector usually provided the most secure jobs .


  8. Modern France still has some Versailles-like aspects : the aristocrats of today are those with secure jobs .


  9. Self-employment is often the only option for young people who lack experience and connections necessary to secure jobs in the private or public sectors .


  10. I am happy with the progress we made over the last year but we need to work better together as a team ( me included ) to move this company forward and secure jobs for a lot of people .


  11. However , Norsk Hydro at the weekend was scrambling to bid for Asia Aluminum , in a deal which it believed could secure jobs , develop the company and represent an attractive alternative offer for creditors .


  12. The big issue is here , how long the school day is , how teachers are evaluated , and how secure their jobs are .


  13. Yet youngsters in Britain struggle harder than their peers in most rich countries to secure what jobs are available .


  14. Any deal would secure existing jobs , and the more markets we have , the more opportunities we have to sell , he said .


  15. District Government should take positive measures to encourage the introduction of physical education teachers in kindergartens , and to enable them to secure their jobs .


  16. Moreover , even if JPM had not hired these individuals directly , it could easily ( and silently ) have helped them secure other jobs through referrals .


  17. Over a tenth of the population have secure , undemanding jobs


  18. Once these new professionals secure their first jobs ( in new office buildings ) , they buy their first cars and go shopping .


  19. High unemployment impacts the happiness not just on the families of the unemployed but also those in work who feel less secure in their jobs .


  20. Many children are under enormous pressure to do well on exams in order to get into good high schools and then good universities so that they can land secure and well-paying jobs .


  21. A university education is still a prerequisite for entering some of the great guilds , such as medicine , law and academia , that provide secure and well-paying jobs .


  22. Brawn says his number one priority now is to work to keep the team alive by finding a buyer that would secure as many jobs as he can at the Northamptonshire base .


  23. What can young people learn now that won 't be superseded within their lifetimes by these devices and that will secure them good jobs and solid income over the next 20 , 30 or 50 years ?


  24. GM said the sale would secure more than 3,000 jobs .


  25. No wonder some 270m migrant workers have flocked to the cities to secure better paying industrial jobs .
